About our Services
We want to welcome you to All Saints and hope you find something here that will lead you to our Church this Sunday. We are an open and affirming congregation in The Episcopal tradition and we welcome everyone with open arms and hearts. Whoever you are and wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome, accepted and loved at All Saints Episcopal.
Our service follows The Holy Eucharist, Rite II in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP). On the 1st Sunday of each month we celebrate Holy Eucharist Rite I at the 8 AM service. You may follow along in the prayer book (Red book in pew) or simply use the supplied bulletin as a guide. The Book of Common Prayer, the blue hymnal, and the Family Song Book (FSB) are available for everyone in the pew holders.
During the 10:30 service, childcare for infants is available immediately behind the worship space in our education building (upstairs and to the left). We are very comfortable with children staying in the service and welcome their oohs and aahs and crying as it reminds us all of the diversity of the Church and God’s marvelous creation.
Following the service, please join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Family Life Center, the building next to sanctuary in the parking lot.